Heavy Haulers offers reliable specs and dimensions of Allen equipment. Through the Heavy Haulers specifications database, you’re able to find specs and dimensions of any Allen equipment you need. To find the length, width, height, weight and specs of any Allen equipment on our database, you can search for its model, manufacturer or industry. Ensure that you know your jobsite fully so that you can get Allen equipment that meets its needs. Some of the factors to consider include accessibility, job size, terrain and any other key factors. Depending on the type of Allen equipment, we provide detailed specs to help you get what your jobsite truly needs. We provide transmission, operational, engine, hydraulic system specs of Allen equipment and much more.
The dimensions of Allen equipment provided on our database will help you get the right size for your jobsite. If your jobsite is congested for example, you have to be keen while looking at the dimensions to ensure your Allen equipment will go through the spaces without a problem. It would be disappointing to buy a small Allen equipment while you need a large one or vice versa. When you decide to buy a used Allen equipment, ensure its performance meets your needs by inspecting it thoroughly. The size and weight of the Allen equipment you choose should fit on a trailer when you need to move it. Based on the weight and size of Allen equipment, our specialists recommend the most suitable trailer for transport.