How Can I Ship My Plow Truck?
A plow truck is a heavy-duty vehicle with a shovel-like apparatus attached to the front of the body. It typically weighs more than 58,000lb and works by applying down pressure to blacktop and other roadways in order to remove snow and ice. Most also have wing plows on the side of the vehicle, and a compartment in the back that holds salt, sand or some other combination of dry material that can be dumped in conjunction with cleaning. Shipping a plow truck requires oversized designations in most municipalities and excellent communication between driver, route planner and customer.
Spreader Trucks as Multi-Function Vehicles
A spreader truck is a specialized vehicle that has a hopper or bin mounted on the rear. Most spreader trucks release their cargo from the rear, although you will occasionally run across a side discharge spreader.
It is used to dump and spread a large variety of aggregate material, including:
● Fertilizer
● Lime
● Rock/Sand
● Salt
● Turf
● Woodchips